Sunday, October 26, 2008


AKA: Eschscholtzia californica, golden poppy.

Though its alkaloids are nowhere near as powerful, the California poppy is related to the opium poppy. Despite this, it is perfectly legal to grow and, in fact, is the state flower of California.

Effects: May relieve insomnia and anxiety. It may also be used to treat nervous tension and muscle tics. The alkaloids are different from those of the opium poppy and, though they have not been thoroughly studied, are not known to be narcotic or addictive.

Works synergistically with such sedative herbs as valerian.

Precautions: Overdose symptoms include headaches, hangover-like effects the next day, and other minor side effects. As with poppy seeds, use can cause a urine test to read positive for opiates.

It should not be combined with alcohol, prescription sedatives, or other depressants.
Dosage: The usual dose is 30 drops of tincture, or a spoonful of whole dried herb in a cup of tea 2 to 3 times a day.


AKA: Box holly, knee holly, Ruscus aculeatus, sweet broom.

Butcher's Broom is an evergreen shrub in the lily family that is closely related to asparagus.

Effects: Said to increase blood flow to the brain. It may relieve inflammation and prove beneficial to the bladder and kidneys. It has been used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and other circulatory problems, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome, edema, Meniere's disease, obesity, Raynaud's syndrome, thrombophlebitis, and vertigo.

Works synergistically with vitamin C.

Precautions: May increase blood pressure in some individuals. It should not be used as a substitute for anticoagulant medication.

Dosage: Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., recommends 400 mg/day.


Effects: Said to reduce anxiety. It has been used to treat nausea, fever, and pain.


AKA: Hydrocetyle asiatica.
Effects: Said to relieve anxiety. It has been used to treat epilepsy and leprosy.


AKA: Cerbenia benedicta.

Effects: According to James Balch, Ph.D., and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C., it "may act as brain food." It is used by herbalists as a tonic for the stomach and heart, increasing circulation, and treating liver problems. According to James A. Duke, Ph.D., it can reportedly help combat HIV.

Precautions: Handling the plant can cause toxic skin reactions.

Dosage: One ounce of herb in one pint of boiling water taken 1 cup at a time, 3 times a day between meals. James Duke recommends 5 teaspoons of the herb in a cup of boiling water 2 or 3 times a day, presumably for HIV.


AKA: Black snakeroot, bugbane, bugwort, cimicifuga, Cimicifuga racemosa, rattleroot, rattleweed, richweed, squawroot.

Effects: May be a mild relaxant. It contains estrogen-like substances which may be helpful in treating symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause. Various extracts have displayed antiinflammatory, sedative, and blood pressure-lowering effects in animals. It has traditionally been used by Native Americans to treat chronic fatigue, malaria, rheumatism, kidney problems, sore throat, and female disorders. Herbalists have used it for bronchitis, fever, itching, high blood pressure, anxiety, menstrual cramps, and symptoms of menopause.

Precautions: It should not be used by anyone suffering from a chronic disease. No scientific studies of its effects have been done on humans. It may have a stimulating effect on the cardiac system. Consumption of large amounts could cause nausea (though mild nausea may just be a response to its bitter taste), vomiting, sweating, and dizziness.


AKA: Black whortleberry, blueberry, burren myrtle, dyeberry, huckleberry, hurtleberry, Vaccinium corybosum, Vaccinium myrtillus, whineberry, whortleberry, wineberry.

Effects: A natural antioxidant. It is used in Europe to treat varicose veins, problems with blood circulation to the brain, and a variety of eye problems, including night blindness, photophobia, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and — in combination with vitamin E — cortical cataracts. Also used as an antiseptic, astringent, and antidiarrhea medication. Eating the fresh berries can reportedly regulate bowel action, stimulate the appetite, and reduce intestinal gas. As a tea, it is said to treat coughs, vomiting, stomach cramps, and catarrhal enteritis. Works synergistically with citrus fruits.

Precautions: Though the fresh berries can stop diarrhea in some people, they can cause it in others. Use of the leaves over an extended period of time can cause poisoning. It can interfere with the absorption of iron.

Dosage: As a tincture, 15-40 drops in water 3 times a day.


AKA: Balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera, Populus candicans, Populus gileadensis, Populus tacamahaca.

Balm of Gilead is a North American poplar that is different from the biblical plant (Commiphora meccanensis) of the same name.

Effects: May have antioxidant properties. Taken internally, it is used for coughs and chest conditions; applied externally it is used for rheumatoid arthritis and sore muscles.
Precautions: Common side effects include skin rashes and allergic reactions.


AKA: Winter cherry, Withania somnifera.

Sometimes referred to as the "Indian ginseng," Ashwagandha is a member of the nightshade family, along with potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants.

Effects: According to traditional Indian medicine, it is said to reduce stress and anxiety and to improve vitality, learning, and memory. It has been used to treat arthritis and help heal broken bones, and may inhibit cancer, as well. There have been few studies, but those conducted have yielded encouraging results: it enhanced mood and improved hemoglobin and blood plasma protein levels in a 1993 study, was shown to alleviate withdrawal symptoms in morphine addiction in a 1995 study, and showed positive results for patients with anxiety neurosis in a 1997 study.

Works synergistically with gotu kola, shatavari (Indian asparagus), and Siberian ginseng to relieve stress.

Precautions: It can cause mild gastrointestinal problems, but this can be prevented by taking it with meals. Exceeding the recommended dose is not advised, as it may contain some compounds that are harmful when taken in significant quantities. Herbal products from India may be contaminated with mold, insects, and animal feces.
Dosage: One to two cups of tea a day.


AKA: Astragalus hoantchy, Astragalus membranaceous, huang chi, huang qi.

Effects: An adaptogen that may provide energy and stamina, boost the immune system, detoxify various drugs and metals, have antiviral properties, improve peripheral circulation, balance the bodily systems, counteract stress, and improve mental functioning. It is said to be a potent anticancer agent and may be useful in fighting off the flu and other respiratory infections.

Evidence suggests it might be useful in the treatment of colds, flu, high cholesterol, chronic lung weakness, HIV, cancer, and tumors.

Works synergistically with schizandra berry.

Precautions: It should not be taken by those running a fever.

Dosage: In China, the usual dose of a decoction is 9 to 16 g/day, or 9 g/day of a powder composed of 15 to 20 percent astragalus. Cancer patients are generally given up to 30 g/day. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., recommends 400 mg 1 to 3 times a day.


AKA: Aniseed, common anise, Pimpinella anisum.

Effects: Contains several estrogen-like compounds. It has traditionally been used to treat respiratory ailments, though according to James A. Duke, Ph.D., many other herbs work better. It purportedly has antiviral properties, can freshen bad breath, get rid of phlegm and bronchial congestion, and suppress coughing. It is said to increase male libido, though there is no scientific evidence for this. Herbalists have used it to treat cramps, nausea, and gas, and it is said to improve digestion and appetite.

Precautions: None known.

Dosage: James Duke recommends adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of crushed seed per cup of boiling water, steeping for 10 to 15 minutes, then straining. Take once in the morning and once in the evening.


Royal jelly is made from bee pollen, saliva secretions of worker bees, and honey, and has a thick, milky texture.

Effects: Protects against bacteria, viruses, and funguses. It contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, and testosterone, and is one of the richest natural sources of B-5, as well as the sole natural source of pure acetylcholine.

Precautions: It is more stable when mixed with honey, and it loses some of its nutritional value when exposed to air, room temperature, or sunlight. It should never be used in hot drinks, nor should anything hot be consumed immediately after taking it. Some avoid the freezedried form, as the chemical structure is said to be altered in the process. Pure royal jelly, the most potent form, is extremely unstable and should always be kept refrigerated.

John H. Renner, M.D., president of the Consumer Health Information Research Institute, asserts that any health benefits of bee pollen are a myth, and that it can even be harmful, as it may contain harmful bacteria, or trigger an allergic reaction from the variety of pollens it may contain. The few studies that have been conducted bear out this statement.

Dosage: Approximately Yi of a teaspoon daily; in capsule form, some recommend 150 mg/day, others 600 mg/ day. Manufacturers say several weeks may pass before the beneficial effects of improved mental functioning and concentration are evident. It is available in sealed capsules, frozen, freezedried, or mixed with honey.


AKA: Perna canaliculus, sea mussel.

The oil of this shellfish is rich in amino acids, enzymes, and essential trace elements, and is said to be similar to Omega-3, but more potent in its health benefits.
Effects: Reputed to prevent heart disease and relieve joint and muscle pains.


AKA: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, chlorella, cyanobacteria, nori, SBGA, seaweed, spirulina, Super Blue Green Algae.

Microalgae are singlecelled plants that grow in fresh water or bacteria. The most common types used for food are chlorella and spirulina, though seaweed could probably be placed in this category also.

Effects: Super Blue Green Algae (SBGA) is said to increase energy and give feelings of euphoria. All forms of microalgae and seaweed are excellent sources of amino acids, chlorophyll, protein (higher than meats or soybeans), unsaturated fats, vitamins A, B-12, C, and E, and antioxidants.
Precautions: Microalgae and seaweed are good sources of amino acids and some vitamins but, beyond that, claims of their nutritional or therapeutic value are overstated. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., there is no evidence SBGA strengthens the immune system, and Sheldon Saul Hendler, M.D., Ph.D., states there is no scientific evidence for the salubrious effects attributed to these organisms, except for one report that spirulina is a good source of gammalinolenic acid (GLA).

Super Blue Green Algae can cause abdominal distress, diarrhea, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, heart palpitations, nausea, skin rashes, vomiting, and women may even experience uterine bleeding. Adverse side effects may result from an allergy or intolerance, either to contaminants in harvesting or possible natural toxins in the SBGA itself.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, used in the making of SBGA, is capable of producing two toxins, one of which affects the liver and the other the nervous system; it could also contain any number of naturally occurring toxins that are as yet undiscovered.

Spirulina is high in phenylalanine, and so should not be taken by anyone with phenylketonuria (PKU) or skin cancer. There is no way of controlling the purity or potency of spirulina — consider the fact that Elliot Shubert, Ph.D., professor of biology at the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks, has found that every sample tested had significant levels of the toxic metals mercury and lead. Not only that, Harvard researchers have discovered that some components of this microalga may encourage the growth of cancerous tumors. And the fact that no one knows what the pharmacological agent is that provides the stimulant effect worries Dr. Andrew Weil, as it may cause dependency.


Effects: Contains antioxidants. The darker the honey, the more the antioxidants; for instance, honey made from Illinois buckwheat flowers has 20 times the antioxidants as honey made from California sage. Tupelo honey has the most fructose of any of the honeys and doesn't cause the insulin rush that others do.

Precautions: For the most health benefits, the honey should be unfiltered, unheated, and unprocessed. Despite the claims of some health advocates, the vitamin and mineral content of honey is minimal, and any derived benefits negligible. Honey also has the highest sugar content of all the natural sweeteners, and even has more sugar content than refined sugar; in fact, it can rot teeth faster than table sugar, possibly because of its stickiness and the fact that its vitamin and mineral content, however small, may provide a favorable environment for bacteria.

Compounding the problem is the fact that manufacturers may feed bees sugar water or add sugar syrup to the honey to increase the sweetness (a tipoff is inexpensive brands that pour easily). Further, the honey is heated to high temperatures, destroying much of the protein and nutritional content. Honey could also contain carcinogens that bees have inadvertently picked up from flowers sprayed with pesticides, or traces of penicillin and sulfite, which could pose a threat to susceptible individuals. Honey should never be fed to infants under one year of age, as it contains spores of Clostridium botulinum, the organism that causes botulism; while adults and older children have stomach acid that can kill the bacterium, infants do not, leaving them susceptible to sickness or even death.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Carbohydrates are the principal source of the body's energy and are divided into two types —simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include the various sugars found in fruit (fructose), milk (lactose), and table sugar (sucrose). Complex carbohydrates are found in vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Complex carbohydrates are preferable, as it takes longer for the body to break them down, releasing the sugar into the bloodstream slowly. Simple carbohydrates, especially table sugar, can flood the body and trigger an oversecretion of insulin by the isles of Langerhans, resulting in an initial surge of energy from the sugar followed by lethargy caused by the sudden rush of insulin. Foods should be unrefined, fresh, and natural; refined foods, canned goods, and snack foods should be avoided.

Food Sources: Fruits, whole grains, vegetables.

Effects: Carbohydrates help relax the brain and are necessary for good mental functioning. They act as an antidepressant for people with less sugarinduced serotonin in the brain than normal (such as those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder [SAD]), possibly by amplifying serotonergic neurotransmission. If consumption is timed right, they can increase the brain's energy levels, as they are readily broken down into glucose, a simple sugar found in nature that is necessary for the brain's functioning.

Precautions: Fructose does not have this calming effect. Simple sugars (table sugar, brown sugar, and honey, for instance) have no nutritional value except for calories, and can promote cavities, cause rapid changes in blood sugar and insulin, and lead to obesity, hypoglycemia, and diabetes, among other disorders. Some people are "carbohydrate cravers," and need them to prevent drowsiness, restlessness, or boredom; instead of becoming sleepy, these people become more focused and alert, and better sustain concentration. Carbohydrates are safe and, to quote Dr. Stuart Berger, "They are the only food category not linked to any killer diseases."

Dosage: 300 to 400 g/day from complex carbohydrates, or about 1200 to 1600 kilocalories/day (out of an average total of 1800 to 2200 kilocalories/day). Ideally, 65 percent of a person's caloric intake should be carbohydrates —55 percent from complex carbohydrates and starches and 10 percent from natural sugars such as those found in fruit. A minimum of 50 g/day are needed to prevent ketosis, an acidic condition of the blood. For best effect, carbohydrates should be taken with as little protein and fat as possible, as these slow down or hinder serotonin on its way to the brain.